Sony MediaSoftware World Percussion WAV ACiD 英文正式版(索尼媒體爵士 巔音色素材軟體)
Sony Creative Software presents the World Percussion collection. A
dedicated student of African percussion instruments, Marc Anderson's
vast historical knowledge and incredible performance skills are
matched only by his technical expertise in revealing the mystery and
beauty of the instruments through imaginative sound recording and
processing techniques. The World Percussion library contains essen-
tial single solo instrument sounds and performances, as well as the
blistering walls of tribal thunder that have made Marc Anderson one
of the most distinctive and original percussionists working today.
Unique in the world of percussion libraries, the World Percussion
collection is the perfect marriage of ancient and modern sounds and
technologies, crafted by an artist with an intimate understanding of
Sony MediaSoftware X-Core Hardcore Techno Construction Kit WAV ACiD 英文正式版(Sony 音效系列:樂曲與音效樣本集軟體)
Sony MediaSoftware Pulse Pure Analog Lifeforms WAV ACiD 英文正式版(索尼媒體爵士 巔音色素材軟體)
Sony MediaSoftware Siggi Baldursson Drumsugar WAV ACiD 英文正式版(Sony MediaSoftware 傳統鼓節奏 loop音色庫軟體)
Sony MediaSoftware New Roots Reggae WAV ACiD 英文正式版(新雷鬼音色素材軟體)
Sony MediaSoftware David Torn SPLaTTeRCeLL WAV ACiD 英文正式版(音源特效音色素材軟體)
Sony MediaSoftware 8 Bit Weapon A Chiptune Odyssey WAV ACiD 英文正式版
Sony MediaSoftware Twine Intelligent Dance Music WAV ACiD 英文正式版(Sony MediaSoftware 智慧舞曲 IDM音色庫軟體)